
Curt Denham retired from a corporate job of 32+ years and is now a bicoastal actor, dividing his time between California and New York City. In the early 80s, Curt attended graduate school at UC Irvine to study voice and musical theatre, then moved to NYC briefly before making his way back to California to pursue a career in finance. Upon retirement from Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Curt returned to NYC before the pandemic prompted a re-evaluation of priorities. Curt's primary residence is now on 2 acres of Cedar forest in the California Sierras near a small town called Volcano - elevation 3,000 feet, population approximately 105.

The path may sound like an unusual adventure, but it fits well with another of Curt's passions - adventure travel. Curt has traveled extensively around the world and has experienced many profound and life-changing adventures. These include horse trekking the Andes, exploring the Amazon, safaris in Africa, grizzly encounters in the wilds of Alaska, and most memorably, traveling throughout the Middle East during the Arab Spring.

Curt is thrilled with this new life and newfound freedom to pursue his love of theatre, film and television and looks forward to all of the new adventures to come.

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